Do the CORE test!

Answer five questions concerning your treasury and cash flow status and get a quick answer whether we will add value!

If your answer is YES to any of the questions below you should get in touch for a free initial discussion.

Treasury Management System
  1. Do you need to improve cash visibility and cash flow?
  2. Has your finance department discussed getting a new treasury system?
  3. Does your company need to develop treasury or lack expertise within a specific treasury area?
  4. Do you want to get rid of excel and be safe with a complete treasury management system?
  5. Are your company heading towards new operations, which quickly needs fully functional treasury competences?
Working Capital Solutions
  1. Do you need to boost your cash flow?
  2. Do you have large investments to finance?
  3. Do you need to extend terms and discuss efficient alternatives of flexible funding, SCF and dynamic discounting?
  4. Do you feel the cash discounts and payment terms affect your business relation and create uncertainty?
  5. Are your treasury, accounts payable and procurement departments siloed?

Do not hesitate to contact CORE today for a free initial discussion


Simplicity, dedication and efficiency. And a huge dose of safety.